Turning your teen into a safe driver is a complex task. It involves not only learning the rules of the road and how to safely operate a vehicle – but understanding risk and learning to make good choices.  Professional driver education and training can help tremendously.

Quality driver education provides a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that can help mold a safe driver.  Completing and passing a state-approved driver training program is required for anyone under age 18 who is applying for a Washington driver’s license.

Professional Driver Training consists of:

  1. 30 hours of classroom instruction (We are using ZOOM )
  2. 6 hours of in-car training with an instructor (one per week)
  3. in-car observation with an instructor
  4. 50 hours out-of-class practice driving with a parent, including 10 hours of nighttime driving

After successful completion, the state knowledge and drive tests are required to qualify for your license.

Friends and Family get $50 off! Call for more info or see details below


For anyone under 18 years of age to obtain a driver license they must meet all of the following criteria:
~ Have successfully completed Drivers Education
~ Be 16 years of age
~ Have held a valid learner permit for a period of no less than 6 months
~ Passed the WA State Knowledge Test
~ Passed the WA State in-car Skills Test

Upcoming classes

Class 020425-de Starting February 4 Tu/We/Th 5-7pm (ZOOM) $575- FULL
Class 040125-de Starting April 1 Tu/We/Th 5-7pm (ZOOM) $575 – call to register
Class 052025-de Starting May 20 Tu/We/Th 5-7pm (ZOOM) $575 – call to register


Please check back for more class dates.


PARENTS: Behind the Wheel Guide (click on image) will help you understand the lessons and how to work with your new driver while they are taking their training class.

More details are available at: http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/gettingalicense.html

Friends & Family Discount: How it works

If you have or know someone who has taken a class (ANY class) with us…, you may give a discount to a family member or friend to use for drivers education! Just give them your name and the date you took your motorcycle/3-wheel or drivers ed class with us. One offer per person and cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Registration and payment for drivers ed class must be made in full either in person or telephone prior to class start date.