
Register for Class #2042

Class or Session Type: 2W Knowledge Test Permit

Start date: Friday April 11, 2025

Location: Mt Spokane Village, 14017 N Newport Hwy., Suite J

Start time: 10:00 am

Cost: $45.00    

Cost non-resident: $45.00

Please enter the STUDENT information for this registration
Required fields are marked with **. These fields MUST be entered.

First Name**:
Last Name**:
Driver License Number**:
Driver License State**:
City-please do not use an apostrophe (') character **:
Zip Code (5 digit only)**:
Date of Birth(Year)**:
Date of Birth(Month)**:
Date of Birth(Day)**:
Gender**: Female Male
Are you active duty Military stationed in Washington?**? Yes No
Phone Number (must be in NNN-NNN-NNNN format)**:
E-Mail address**:
Coupon Code (if you have a discount coupon to use, otherwise leave at 0):
Comments-please do NOT use a quote " character or an apostrophe ' character:

Terms and Conditions
  • Classes: If I am enrolled in an all day training class (Basic or Intermediate), a motorcycle and helmet are provided, practice time with my instructors and both knowledge and skills testing are included at the end of my class. (No testing appointment is necessary). Spokane MotorSchool offers a re-test, for eligible students, within 90 days.
  • Testing: If I register for a skills testing appointment, I must bring my personal cycle, DOT approved helmet and eye protection. (We do not rent motorcycles for testing). There is no practice time and no coaching from the person administering my test. The skills test will be ended if I no longer have a passing score. There is a fee for each test.
  • Required Gear: I am responsible for bringing the required apparel with me. Without the required gear, I will be dismissed and forfeit my tuition.
  • Refunds: Your fee is for a reserved space in a specific event and is non-refundable. We do not 'reschedule' or give refunds if you are late, do not attend or do not complete for any reason.
  • Early Dismissal: I understand that I may be excused from the class if, my instructor and I feel that my safety is an issue or if I am unable to learn/improve my skills in the time allowed. This is a group class. For information on private lessons, please contact the office.
  • Rescheduling: If I will be unable to attend, I must give Spokane MotorSchool at least 5 days notice, and may be rescheduled, at no additional charge, based on availability. I may also give my seat to a friend or family member, after notifying the office. Seats must be used within the same calendar year.
  • Paperwork: I have carefully checked that my email address has been entered correctly. Registration will be immediately emailed to the address provided. Please contact the office if you do not receive your documents.

Participation in this course requires physical stamina, motor coordination and mental alertness. I attest that I have no physical or mental limitations and will not use any form of alcohol, prescription or non-prescription drugs that could impair my performance in this course. I have the skill and balance necessary to ride a bicycle and am capable of sustaining moderate physical exertion, outdoors, for a period of 6 hours.

I understand and agree to the prior statements by checking the box.